For Participants

BALTA is a bridge between Participants as a land and real estate owners, and the County. BALTA provides legal assistance and helps BALTA Participants solve their problems. Every Participant may have the advanced legal support by sharing the BALTA Home Owner Insurance Program. However, BALTA is not liable for any obligations of the Participants, just as Participants are not liable for the obligations of BALTA.

Every Participant who has the Common Share of the BALTA Inc may initiate the yearly meeting and be involved in the decision-making process.

Enter your Participant ID

To become a Participant and get access to all project details, apply by mailing the Participant Request Form:

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To be a BALTA Participant is a great opportunity to build financial and life growth.

Stock market has been in a stagnation for more than two years now and the future of the investment in the stocks is in doubt.

The real estate property is overvalued, property taxes are eating prospective profits and use expenses are very high so the investment to the real estate is in doubt also.

Where to invest and whom to trust and how to protect savings.

Create your future financial stability with BALTA. Invest in your own business. Create your own financial portfolio.

BALTA stands for Bay Area Legacy Trust Association where you are an equal partner and shareholder. You are a decision maker and opportunity creator, controller of your funds and ruler of your growth. You are a resident of the SF Bay Area and know better than anybody the local business opportunities, you have internal insights and life time information and your feeling will give you the right direction of your move. You may create your own portfolio of the financial opportunities, push it to execute, control it and improve.

BALTA allows you to be an owner of the very prospective funds and build it to growth.

How it works.

First you need to participate and see insights. We together will be searching for investment opportunities with a goal to improve.

BALTA creates Business Plans for each opportunity and creates the independent BALTA branch under the BALTA umbrella. Every branch is an independent legal entity formed as a corporation under the CA Law jurisdiction. This BALTA branch is incorporating the interested parties in the ownership of the business opportunities. BALTA as a coordinator will support all BALTA branches and coordinate the business growth. BALTA is concentrating on stable and strict values that are proven to be beneficial.

BALTA Business Plans are based on market research in the real estate field and are considered to be affordable for potential participants.

Every Participant has a choice to evaluate the most appropriate Business Plan and become a Shareholder of the BALTA branch that is a holder and the executor of this Business Plan.

Every BALTA Business Plan has three major stages where the Participants’ investments will be safe and growth guaranteed. First of all we are purchasing the land, then we prepare infrastructure and permits for the land improvement, then we build. Every stage has a goal to keep the improvements in proportion to the Shareholder/Participant shares volume. So every stage provides an opportunity to exit with no loss. Participant is controlling the business flow and is making a decision of the future participation or profitable release from his shares. Every stage of the Business Plan implies significant growth by several times the primary investment. However the final goal of each Business Plan is to get affordable housing for each Participant, from the land purchase to the real estate property as a modern new home for each Participant.

BALTA offers worked out options which are the formed Business Plans for improvement land located in Silicon Valley with a goal to create affordable housing. Every Participant may choose the appropriate opportunity and participate. Upon the necessary quantity of the qualified participants will be recruited and Business Plan funding will be set, the BALTA branch will be incorporated, then the By-Law will be adopted by holding the meeting of the shareholders (Participants), the shares will be distributed, the funds accumulated on the security deposits on the private transaction accounts of each Participant, providing an offer to the land seller and land purchasing to the possession of BALTA branch incorporated. This is the first stage of the Business Plan which in itself is already a good investment. Participants as Shareholders of BALTA branch incorporated become land owners in equal proportion to their shares. The second stage is the land improvement, that is to get permits for construction and utilities. In this stage the ClubHouse for primary address and Participant collaboration construction. The third stage is the individual Participant’s house approval and build. For more information become a BALTA Participant and evaluate prepared land offers and Business Plan corresponding. Share your thoughts and insights. Be a part of innovative independent financial stability solutions and build your future together. Together we are an invincible force.